Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bayyinah C. Pierre
Prof. Sacha Frey
Intro Lit/Crit Arch I
Monday, October 22nd 2012.
Daily Walk.
My daily walk starts from Higgins Hall to Cannouneer Cout, one of the freshman dorms. Why not have the previous sentence structured the other way around? Quite frankly, this way makes more sense because it usually very early in the morning or very late at night when I have to go to sleep at Cannouneer. Us, architecture students prefer to say very late at night. I believe we say it to keep our mind on track; to ignore the circumstances we have to put ourselves into or to persuade ourselves it is acceptable to sleep at that time.
The walk from Higgins to “Can”-we call Cannouneer “the Can.” It’s easier to pronounce and visitor don’t have to repeat themselves so many times to a security guard when they need directions. It’s a scary stroll! Most of the time to my dorm alone, with no one to protect me or share the derive experience with. The race starts and ends at a traffic light…
The walk begins with the words: “See you guys in a couple hours.”  Those words define the possibility of reaching a goal you’ve set at the beginning of your day, your sleep time. Whether it’s an hour or a couples hours, I always look forward to the time I lay my head on my soft Ralph Lauren pillow. But, in the back of my head, I know that this isn’t it, I’ll be back in couple hours or one; I have to. I’m addicted to the idea of being an architect. It is a fascinating career.
I choose to represent the location of my studio in red to represent to blood that comes out of our fingers when we cut ourselves with the X-acto knife which happens often to the point we don’t even use a Band-Aid, we use tape or zap-a- gap-a toxic glue that dries really fast forcing us work faster. The black and white paper was used to attach melancholy to my map. You’ll never see a person with colorful attire at a funeral. I represented my emotions on daily walk with tags next to the location I fell them when I walk.  I cut out of chip board the buildings I go through and places them on the black background. Last but not least I decide to show the location of my room with the colors dominating it. My room palette is pink, green, and white. It is very colorful and bright. Having heard stories upper classman told me during the summer, how my daily life would be, I decided to get a comforter that was both comfortable and joyful. I wanted a comforter that I would want to cry in; a comforter that made me smile when I came home at unpredictable hours.
Why did pick this walk, those locations, and those buildings? Why not, Higgins Hall and Cannouneer Court are my residences. There are big parts of my life. Without them, my life would have no meaning, no interest. Actually, my life has meaning without; the meaning of my life depends greatly on the foundations I have set for it.

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