Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bayyinah C. Pierre
Prof. Sacha Frey
Intro Lit/Crit Arch I
September 17th 2012
Robert Smithson, “Energy is more easily lost than obtained.”
“Instead of causing us to remember the past like the old monuments, the new monuments seem to cause us to forget about the future”, stated Robert Smithson. In his essay, Entropy and the new monuments, Smithson emphasizes time, values, solidity, and change. From my interpretation of his essay, time comes with change, values are no longer applicable, and solidity determines age.
            He mentioned plastic and other materials, artists were using today were against the ages. In other words, we are destroying the environment. Technology and greed has not allowed us to be “sub-monumental.”  None of us would prefer to turn gold into cement, we would have liked the opposite which aligns with one of Smithson’s concept, and we can’t really see the future we are stuck in the present and past.
            Where is time? What is the difference between action and reaction? What is the actual meaning of entropy to you?

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