Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Design Studio Reflection.

This is week is the last week before the Final. Stressful? I don't lnow, I am expecting everything to go wrong, no sleep, and less time to eat.  Right now, I am in the process of  finializing my drwings. I'm hoping I could finish Tomorrow night that way I could print them out the next day wich is a thursday. I'm not sure if I'll accomplish that goal. I hope I will, but with so many obstacles it seems impossible to be honest. For example, this week we have to attend other class and do our homework as well. It's crazy!!!. I've been difigurized, I don't look the same, somehow I look older(this is not a joke). Also, my maturity level has reached the you need to party. I haven't been to one party since I've been in Higgins. Stessful Place!!! Back to work now.


Design Project Analysis

Bayyinah C Pierre
HMS 101
November 27th 2012.
Design Project Analysis.
Thesis: The title of my project should be: Never Ends Project. Without ever knowing it started on Nov 27th 2012 and will never end.  It started the first day of school, when our Professor, Brackett handed my studio-mates and I a rubric. In the rubric there was a due date. Little did I know that is was just a trick, some sort of a hook. The date marked was an illusion, it kept me from looking at how much rope I had been given to hang myself. “When will did project end?” became a dull question. My final project literally began the first day of class.
Page 1:

·         Intro/ developed thesis
·         First Rubric
·         Relation between the First rubric to the final model

Page 2:

·         First Project
·         Line drawing
·         Line drawings in rhino
·         Bass wood Model
·         First Review


·         Collages
·         Rhino translation
·         Paper models
·         Aggregation System


·         Populated Cube
·         27 sections
·         Lofted model

Page 5:

·         Study model
·         Ground plan
·         Site plan
·         Created Spaces.
·         Habitation
·         Layout/ scaling
·         Drawings and Materials
·         Final Model
·         Conclusion

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bayyinah C. Pierre
Prof. Sacha Frey
Intro Lit/Crit Arch I
November 14th 2012.
From a Dot on a Map to a Milieu.

The site analyses that I completed at the Underwood Park, Clayson Playground, and Lafayette Gardens Playground are very different from their locations on a map. The Parks are not just a dot, a tree or the symbolic green color on a map. They’re much more than that, they represent something to someone who lives or lived nearby. They voice the stories of the people who live around it.  My site analyses present themselves with more information. Information, I couldn't have known had I not visited those parks at that specific time in the day. Facts and a sense of community were missing from the map I looked on Google. I supposed they were lost in the bigger plan, the bigger area. With that loss of translation came a bigger problem, confusion. A present racial battle left a freshman college student curious and confused about the things that are happening in 11205.
In my site analysis at Underwood Park I observed a lot of things, but one thing stuck, it resurfaced over and over again. It wasn't the cold weather that day or the noisy cars that were speeding on Lafayette but the color of one’s skin. I kept coming back to the people who were there, what racial category would they be put in.  Without even knowing what I going to find or have to write about, what I noticed was fascinating in a sense. The babies who were playing in the cold weather where either black (meaning bi-racial) and Caucasian with little blonde curls. That may not be surprising or fascinating to most, but, when you live in almost the center of a state that is known to be a melting pot. You began to wonder why it is the way it is. Where are the Asians, the Blacks (the ones that are not mixed), the Spanish, where were they?
Race was a big thing at the park, and even though bi-racial kids were playing in the park, I didn't really notice any moms or dads that were black per say. The black woman I noticed where all “taking care” of little blonde kids. An Asian boy and his father were there but they were the only Asians. I didn't really know what that meant so I decided to walk straight down Lafayette because I noticed a park a couple blocks from Higgins once; I haven’t been in the neighborhood for too long.
Along my stroll, the scenery changed a little I noticed more graffiti on the walls, but the area was still very nice. One more block, and I was in a different world. Suddenly, the quiet of the neighborhood I had been in was overpowered by the reggae music of a group of teenagers where playing, the traffic, the sudden yells here and there. To be honest, I preferred that environment better. It reminded me of back home, coming from Haiti your soul inhabits drums, loud music, community, and the fact that sense life.
At the corner, where the music was playing there was a park, Clayson Playground, not a lot of people were there, only three to be exact, a boy eating hot chicken wings sitting on a bench, I assumed his brother shooting hoops next to him, and a women eating chips at my right when I walked in. No kids on the swings, No biracial kids, No blonde babies, and the people who were present we’re all black. I thought to myself as I walked out: “Wow, no one’s here!!! How confusing can this get?” So I looked at the navigation on my phone, and I typed in the park, and one two blocks away showed up. I decided to go hoping maybe I could find an answer that could justify for the so-called race wars in my head.
When I got to Lafayette Gardens Playground not much was different from the previous park, but this time older kids were playing together, they were probably around the ages of eight to eleven, I don’t know they didn't look that old and I didn't look to young either. So, I’m guessing around there since I didn't ask, all I asked them was to get their permission to film them riding a battery-powered small toy car down the swing set. It looked cool but they could have hurt themselves.
 As soon as I turned my back, I heard a little boy: “Who is she, she sound mad white” I thought it was funny, but the others went on to say: “who are you, bitch?” and that was inappropriate, they were kids.  As I walked out of the gate, they kept cursing still, but I realized that there was no sign on the gate reminding people to close the gate because of children just like there was in first park I went to. That added more pieces to the puzzle, suddenly; the puzzle was too crazy to finish in time and properly. What puzzle you may ask? Well, the one where I figured out why small children and babies have their own little park, why the black boys were cursing at the park, why they are so many bi-racial and blonde babies in one neighborhood, and why the places are significantly different when they are in the same area and have the same zip codes?  
My site analysis is more of a community map, it presents relationships and character. It introduces the economical and racial factors. I may have the answers to some of my questions already but I don’t know if they are facts, so, I am not going to share them.  I don’t know, maybe the world is changing.  Maybe, the original black male in 11205 married and had children with white female and they just moved to a specific segregated community, which would explain the age gap between the children at the parks.
I’m not sure. 11205. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Site Analysis Paper

Bayyinah C. Pierre
Prof. Sacha Frey
Intro Lit/Crit Arch I
November 14th 2012.
From a Dot on a Map to a Milieu.

The site analysis that I completed at the Underwood Park is very different then its location on a map. It’s not just a dot, a tree or the symbolic green color on a map. It’s different; it presents itself with more information. Information you couldn't have known it if you were at there at a specific time. A lot of information was hidden from people, lost in the bigger plan, the bigger area, they didn't show relationships, the neighborhood, the people who are go to park every day, and in what categories those people fit in.
In mu site analysis I observed a lot of things, but one thing stuck.  It’s not about the park or the weather when I was there. It’s about the people who were occupying the park at that specific time. Race was a big thing when I was in the park. They were a lot of biracial kids in the park. It was either that or a black nanny with blonde headed kids. An Asian boy and his father were there but they were the only Asians. I don’t really know what it means; I haven’t been in the neighborhood for too long. 11205 is a big community, just like anywhere in the city it is full of townhouses, but somehow these townhouses are very different for the others. The appeal is nicer. If I had to guess, I would say that the townhouses are habited by rich blonde people who can afford a nanny to watch their kids; and the biracial kids? I don‘t know, maybe the world is changing.
My site analysis is more of a community map, it presents relationships and character. It introduces the economical and racial factors. The kids who are playing at Underwood Park can show their kids where they used to spend their afternoons with the nanny or mommy.
 My map recreates Pratt Institute, one place around is defined. People would know about the community. They don’t have to be surprised once they find out that they are not in Manhattan but 11205 is part of New York City. Instead of looking at a green blur on Google Maps or any map, they know the type of people who frequent it every day, and with that they should what type of neighborhood this is. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Observations on pieces of loof-leaf.

Date: Saturday, 4 November 2012.
Time: 1:04
Location: Siting area along the Main Gate. 
Weather: Blue Sky, Cold.
  • Girl walks out. Holding a brown dogie bag, she is also holding cellphone, and keys, lots of them.
  • Girl walks in with her friend, they are both wearing black and colored hair. one girl has the PINK on her sweatpants.
  • Girl comes to sit on one of the benches, she lights a cigarette and dials. she has a large flat phone. she starts talking, she is probably talking to a friend. 
  • Three Asian guys walk out together, they are happy, one is smiling, two are laughing out loud while speaking. 
  • Security guard walks toward the building from security booth, says hello and enters the building through the sliding doors. 
  • The phone-girl finishes her conversation. 
  • Security guard comes back with coffee in his hand. 
Its getting really cold! My hands are numb.

Duration: 26 minutes. 

The Title of my Map.

As we all know the emphasis of titles, allow us to have boundaries, to picture something without reading or seeing it.  Thinking about a title can sometimes be a difficult thing, we think about it because we know somehow it is going to affect the piece and the meaning it has. The title given to a piece affects the viewer's life. If you title a piece of artwork: "Stop and Look." Chances are, during the viewer's day, he or she might remember the string of words that reminder him or her to look. I thought about so many different titles: Systematical Walk, Daily Walk, Brooklyn Street, Frightening Street, but none expressed, in debt, what I felt when I walked that street every night. So here it is, my title for my map: A System of Walking: Safety in the Streets of 112-5.  112-5? Area Code in Brooklyn--(I erased a number because you never know who might see this and began to begin to stalk me around.) The streets in Brooklyn are scary enough... Why that title? Between Higgins Hall and Cannouneer Court, there is a 10 minutes walk you have to walk to get to your destination. Often, it is very late when I have to walk home and the walk home is very long and scary to me. There are no sign of danger but the stories that have been told scare you away.